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Public Speaking


Go Mariposa FFA!!

Pictured Left to right:

Raquel Robinson (Job Interview), Morgan James (Prepared Speaking), Davis Bryant (Impromptu), Abbey Fillion (Job Interview), Sienna Davies (Impromptu), Cole Young (Impromptu).  Not pictured Montana Phillips (Job Interview)

7 students participated in the FFA Merced/Mariposa Section public speaking contest held at Merced College on January 25.  The Mariposa FFA chapter is 1 of 14 other schools in the section. Students compete against 20-40 other students in their respective speaking contest. This year Mariposa FFA had 3 students compete in job interview, 3 students compete in impromptu public speaking and 1 student compete in prepared public speaking. Morgan James was awarded with taking 6th place with her prepared public speech and Davis Bryant took 1st place winning the section in impromptu public speaking. Davis now moves onto the regional competition to compete against other section finalist from the other 5 sections with the FFA region. The regional competition is scheduled for March 27th at Modesto Junior College.


Sophomore and Junior students FFA students attended the Made for Excellence (MFE) and Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA) Jan 26-27 in Monterey.  Students in MFE learn to develop their leadership skills, self integrity and practice building lasting relationships.  Students in ALA work with their chapter members and discover how to best work on a team in order to achieve a common goal by experiencing the four stages of team development. Mariposa FFA took 14 students to participate in this conference

Pictured left to right: Izzy Hance, Acacia Partida, Jill Knox, Sydney Holt, Ashley Shipman, Davis Bryant, Cole Young, Sienna Davies, Elainna Dulcich, Kiley Brower, Elona Brocchini, Raquel Robinson, and Sean Avery.  Not Pictured is Justus Wellcome


Natural Resources

State Natural Resource Finals at Reedley College Jan 25th:

Mariposa's Natural Resource Team placed 4th in the State!   

 Anna was High Individual in Plant ID.

The team was 3rd in Plant ID. 

Jacob was 5th in Animal ID

The team was 3rd in Animal ID.

The team placed 5th in Knowledge. 

The team placed 5th in Skills.

Pictured from left to right: Jacob Emmons, Jessica Heffington, Heather Livingston and Anna Posey 

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Nevada Union Contest Jan 18th:

Congratulations to the Mariposa NR Team for placing 3rd!   

 Jessica placed 2nd in Skills. 

Pictured from left to right: Angel Mora, Jacob Emmons, Yasmine Westbrook, Heather Livingston, Anna Posey and Jessica Heffington

Reedley Middle College Contest Jan 11th:

Congratulations to the Mariposa NR Team for placing 3rd!   

 Jacob placed 2nd in Animal ID.

 Jessica was 2nd in Skills.

Anna was 1st in Plant ID and 2nd High Overall Individual. 

As a team they were 2nd in Packing and 2nd in Oral Presentation.    

Pictured from left to right: Yasmina Westbrook, Jacob Emmons, Angel Mora, Heather Livingston, Anna Posey and Jessica Heffington


Sierra/Tollhouse Contest Dec 14th:     

Anna placeed 3rd high in Animal ID, Plant ID and was 4th high individual

Anna, Heather and Jacob were the high team in packing portion. 

This was a great start to the season!  

Pictured from left to right: Angel Mora, Yasmine Westbrook, Jacob Emmons, Anna Posey, Heather Livingston, Jessica Heffington.

All about our community

During fall storms, Mariposa FFA provided BBQs so that PG&E workers could eat a hot meal on Thanksgiving while working to restore power in Mariposa County.